Grief Support

Australian Institute of Family Studies


This Australian government website lists various support and information services for trauma, grief and loss, a few of which are listed below.


Australian centre for grief and bereavement

Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement


Free call:  1800 642 066


The Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement (ACGB) is an independent, not for profit organisation which opened in January 1996. As the largest provider of grief and bereavement education in Australia, ACGB has been providing support for bereaved and grieving Australians for over 22 years.

Its mission is to build the capacity of individuals, organisations and communities in order to enhance well-being following adverse life events. We know from the many hundreds of people that have participated in our programs, that these services have made a lasting difference on their lives and their experience of loss.





Phone:  1300 845 745

GriefLine Community and Family Services Inc. (GriefLine) listens, cares and supports people experiencing loss and grief, at any stage in life.

We manage Australia’s only dedicated loss and grief national telephone counselling service. We provide anonymous support and specialist counselling services to individuals and families. All calls are confidential and free.

Our volunteer counsellors undergo intensive training and are professionally supported by GriefLine.

We also deliver responsive, evidence-based and personalised services for individuals, families and community groups.

Online counselling is also available nationally.


The Australian Child and Adolescent Trauma Loss and Grief Network


Phone:  02 6244 3500


The Australian Child and Adolescent Trauma, Loss and Grief Network (ACATLGN) is a network that works with a team of experts to bring together evidence based resources and research in order to make them more accessible to those working with, or interested in, children and young people who have been affected by trauma and grief. ACATLGN aims to increase awareness and knowledge amongst a range of professionals working with children and young people in order to improve the wellbeing of children and adolescents affected by trauma and grief. ACATLGN provides up to date information and educational resources for professionals and other members of the community.


SANE Australia


Phone:  1800 187 263

Safe, anonymous mental health discussion, moderated 24/7 by mental health professionals.
• connect with a respectful, accepting community
• read stories from people like you
• post your questions, responses and story
• find trusted information from SANE Australia

Peer-to-peer support for people living with a mental health problem, and for their families and other





Phone:  13 11 14


Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.

We're committed to empowering Australians to be suicide-safe through connection, compassion and hope