

 Bec Williams - Feel Better Box

Bec Williams - Breakthrough Confidence Coach

Contact: Bec Williams                   Address: Gold Coast, Queensland Australia

Email:    Phone: 0412 473 964

Website address:

I believe that nothing radiates more beautifully than the confidence radiating from within. I also believe that the value we hold of ourselves is a huge influencer of the decisions we make and the direction our life takes. It is my mission to help as many women as possible take control of their lives. To make breakdowns breakthroughs and put an end to body-shaming, negativity, self-hate and self-criticism. This is my passion and I want nothing more than to see you bursting with self-love and self-acceptance.

If you want to gain authentic self-esteem in all areas of your life, if you want to recondition your thinking to do truly amazing things, contact me for a completely free strategy session. We'll talk about your individual situation and together, we'll start a journey restoring, strengthening and building long-lasting foundations that will equip you for life.


Deborah J King - Feel Better Box

Deborah J King - Relationship Rescuer & Mindset Coach for couples and individuals

Contact: Deborah King                           Phone: 0412 901 124

Address: Redland Bay  QLD  4165

Email:       Website:

Relationship & Mindset Coach. Struggling with issues in your relationship or are you feeling let down and abandoned after a breakup? This is what I specialise in - helping couples smooth out their differences before it gets to crisis stage and helping women rebuild their confidence and self worth after a breakup. Why - because I've been there and I know what it's like to fall in love, have children, buy a home then have it all come crashing down.  I know what it’s like to have to rebuild my self identity and (successfully) overcome all the hurdles I encountered. 


Dani Vitality Feel Better box

Dani Vitality

Contact: Dani Strong                      Phone: 0402169340

Address South Yarra (I either run my sessions online or locally in a cafe)

Email:         Website: 

Enjoy that glass of wine and cheese platter or piece of chocolate with no guilt.

Everyday, I help women make a choice to feel good, by making decisions in alignment with that simple statement. How does that sound..?

I've always loved how being healthy feels. I enjoy everything that goes with it; eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep and finding time for essential enjoyment to keep stress at bay to honour the woman I am. As a certified holistic Nutrition, Lifestyle + Vitality Coach, I empower women to reclaim their Vitality. Together, we remove blocks by changing mindset and relationship around food, building the foundations to create a happier, balanced and sustainable lifestyle, so the misery and frustration of yo-yo dieting becomes a thing of the past. 

Everyone is so beautifully unique and I coach women through their lifestyle change so the word ‘diet’ never comes up; because a diet isn’t sustainable, but a healthy lifestyle is. I simply adore what I do. 

Zensual Women - Feel Better Box

Zensual Woman

Contact: Ly Aunapu            Email:,

Phone: 0415191857           Website:

Zensual Woman is a movement and personalised one-on-one coaching created to help women feel confident without having to fake it and help to end the story of "not having what it takes." Its mission is to empower more women to feel more confident in their own skin, just like the true Zensual Goddesses they are. A Zensual Woman is relaxed, peaceful and fully owns her sensuality and sexuality.



The Nourishing Way

Contact: Kirsty Taylor          Address: Killarney Vale, Central Coast, NSW or via Skype

Email:            Phone: 0411 591 982


The Nourishing Way is a practice that helps people find a life that makes them hum. We work on 3 pillars - Sustain : Strengthen : Nurture. 

Beginning with an initial Wellness Assessment covering diet, exercise, lifestyle, sleep, stress and work/life balance, a personalised plan is developed to help you achieve your goal. 

Underlying this broad approach The Nourishing Way specialises in the areas of gut health and hormone imbalance. Specifically the diagnosis and support for 

- Food intolerances and sensitivities

- Gut dysbiosis such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth (SIBO) 

- Hormone imbalance affecting sleep, mood, energy, performance and reproductive state;