7 Years of Feel Better Box (pt 2)

In November FBB turned 7. I did write a blog to honour and celebrate the milestone but have not shared it because I don’t think it’s a true reflection on it’s achievements and success. The last few months have been a bit of a reality check, however the last 2.5-3 years have been nothing short of incredible. So I am re-writing my 7th Business Birthday Blog and want to share its successes (you can read previous one HERE.)


Nothing has stayed the same in these past 7 years and that includes me. But as the only saying I ever remember goes – Nothing changes if nothing changes. From the idea and boot strapping for the first couple of years, to the real hamper boxes arriving and moving interstate the following couple of years, nothing could have prepared me for the colossal demand of our locked down years. I didn’t write a 6th Birthday blog due to complete exhaustion so I guess this blog is for the past two years actually.


In the past two years we have received over 20,000 orders which does not include the significant volumes of the corporate orders. I have employed up to 8 people at one time, turning over more the $1m two years straight. In FY 2021 we donated $39,800 to my two charities – Chronic UTI Australia and Heartkids Australia something I haven’t even told anyone. It is my belief that as a business we can always work jointly to make the world a better place.


I know we always say as business owners that the journey is a roller coaster, but I can certainly attest that these past 2-3 have been mind-blowing. Physically and emotionally. The stress, pressure and problem solving on one hand vs the utopic highs, achievements and bewilderment that this was happening to us.


I’m most proud to be honest of surviving it all. On the darkest days, when simply lying down in a dark room helped to glorious days when we had the most wonderful team Christmas party where I could sit down with everyone’s families and celebrate our achievement. I hold that moment in my heart. As you might be able to see from my previous blog life has changed once again and things have gone back to a new reality which I have grappled with.


I sit here humbled for the time that has passed and the support I still receive from so many friends, family and you – my dear customers. I am back in the warehouse writing your beautiful cards and wrapping gifts that I know will change someone’s day for the better. Nothing can beat this job, nothing can beat giving someone love, hope and care every single day. I am still here and I’m still grateful this idea chose me.