Getting to know me
Hello, I know we haven't met but I thought i'd tell you a bit about me and what makes me tick.
I love exercise classes - I enjoy any form of exercise that has music and it takes my mind of the fact I'm actually exercising..... Zumba and Step in particular.
I can become quickly addicted to eating Chocolate Digestive Biscuits (and Only Mine Milk Buttons that I stock!)
One of my most favourite things to do other then visit the beach for a walk and a paddle is go to the movies. I should have shares in Village Cinemas here in Melbourne! I go as often as possible. I go with my sister or husband, on my own and I take my children whenever there is some great on.
I am also an avid dance movie watcher.
I love a good chat about business, I don't have too many friends in the 'real world' who run their own business, so when I do catch up with a friend who does - It's like discussing a favourite hobby.
I love wine. All of it. Rose, an Oaky Chardonnay and bubbles for summer, Pinot Noir in Winter. But quite honestly I'll drink the italian wine in the italian restaurant and whatever my sister pours at her house.
A good day well spent would look like a wine tour and a delicious meal at a winery, topped off with an evening at gold class at the cinema.
An infrequent but favourite of mine is a Friday night dinner, bar, dancing evening with my girlfriends. Preferably with RnB and the lastest music. I am not a particular fan of 80's or 'Old School' music..... how comes every else is?!
Something that is sometimes an issue is pulling my hair. I do it when I'm tired, or when I'm concentrating. I've done it my whole life, bald patches and all.
I always look on the bright side of life, I cherish the fact that my brain works like this. I often wonder if it's nature or nurture?
I can't really sit still. Yes I can for movies. But in general, I'm always working on something. My whole life I've had little projects underway. Knitting a scarf, crocheting a blanket, sawing a dress, making a patchwork quilt, painting on canvas, writing a book. Gosh you name it, i've had a project on it! My poor family and friends.
I am not a fan of housekeeping and cooking. If I ever became a lottery winner, I'd hire a chef and a house keeper.
I prefer experiences, not things.
I'm a horrible shopper. I avoid avoid avoid clothes shopping. I'm not good at it and often it overwhelms me. Again, if I won the lottery, I would hire a stylist to buy me my clothes!!
I love the warmth of summer over the chill of winter.
Beach over the pool.
Night in rather then night out.
I listen to audio books every single day. One might say I'm addicted because I listen to them hanging the washing out, cooking dinner, tidying the house, packing orders and driving. I do spend a lot of the day alone working for myself so this is a great way of keeping me entertained and any bad thoughts at bay!
I need about 8-9 hours of sleep.