How to Show Mum She's Appreciated on Mother's Day
It's been a while...
I've been working away on my new line of socks, in case you hadn't noticed.
(That's me in the photo with the cool sample socks, and our gorgeous Spoodle, Tess.)
More on the socks later...
Mother's Day is fast approaching...
I haven't forgotten it in all my new business excitement. At time of writing, it less than 2 weeks away!
Sunday, 9th May in Australia (in case you've forgotten)
Plenty of time you say...
Yep, there is, if you know what you're getting your wonderful mum. If not, you may be wondering 'how can I thank mum for the many hours she's spent caring for me, thinking of me and, let's face it, worrying about me at some stage or other?'
Or maybe it's your partner, still in the thick of the 'full-on' years of caring for your children, getting them to school, feeding you all and fulfilling the many roles that mums play.
Whether you're sending a gift or presenting one in person, a care package of specially curated items is a great way to show her she's appreciated.
I've spent some time thinking about what makes a mum feel special, not too hard considering I am a mum (haha). And when it boils down to it, what most mums want is:
- to know they're in your thoughts
- a hug, and
- some 'Me' time to relax and feel pampered.
I've been working on some lovely hampers to help you with all of the above, yes even the hugs!
Gifting a Mother's Day Hamper can show your mum that she's in your thoughts and that you've thought carefully about what would make her feel special.
I've chosen these luxury items to encourage her to stop and take a moment for herself. It could be a glass of bubbles; a cup of tea or hot chocolate; a bath by candle light or the cosiest, snuggliest bed socks to put a smile on her face and make her feel hugged every time she wears them.
Here's a few ideas for you and there's more on our Mother's Day page.
To all mums, mums-to-be and everyone, whether you can be with your mum or not...
Wishing you a lovely Mother's Day filled with love and happiness!
Sarah x
Happy Socks have pulled out of Australia. They have always been so popular in my care packages, so I've decided to design my own special socks range. I mean really, special socks range, like nothing you've seen before, and high quality, of course.
I'd like to introduce you to
Joode - Smile from your heels to your toes
It's been quite a journey so far and I've just ordered the first line to go into production. There'll be more on that in the coming months...
And next year they'll be some really cool socks to add to my Mother's Day gift boxes.
Follow my journey on the Joode socials: