May, you mysterious and moody month
I think i've recovered from May. Well, almost.
So many highs and so many bumps, I don't know where to start.
May 2019 was our biggest ever month of sales. It was the best feeling being wanted and needed. It was like being picked first every day to be on a sports team. Every day was exciting and I wondered if I would be able to keep up?
At the same time my health threw me a spanner and I wondered if I'd be able to wrap all my orders in time. One day I woke with the worst bought of cystis i've had in years. Not being able to call in sick was hard that day. I also dropped the ball and wasn't able to reply to some custom order emails as fast as I usually would. That hurt me. It took me over a week to recover and then I caught a viral infection. It was a little ironic I was sending care packages when I felt below average myself.
And then the orders just stopped. Where did they all go? Panic, remorse and disappointment took over. I felt like no one had picked me and left me sitting on the bench. I had ooodles of bills to pay and no way to pay them. I just couldn't focus and worried and worried. Silly really, and a complete waste of time. I did pick myself up and knocked off heaps from my 'to do' list eventually.
The low orders week gave me a real wake up call. It gave me perspective. It made me realise how lucky I am and nothing is ever certain or set in stone. I needed to be humble again. I've spent most of the year just trying to keep up and just expecting the success to continue. But that shouldn't be how it is. I needed to remind myself to be grateful and enjoy the now. Every day is different but most days should be celebrated not gaurenteed.
May, it's been a ride and I'm pleased I've made it out the other side. I'm forever grateful so many people from Australia and all around the world allowed me to be a part of helping their loved ones feel better.