The Corporate Orders of 2020
I'll be honest, I have never once sent out a bulk corporate order until March 2020. Up until this point I had of course sent thousands of care packages on behalf of businesses Australia wide, but only single orders. And for that I was very grateful.
I didn't have the courage to even look someone up in a large company let alone pitch to them.
The lockdown changed that. It brought my 'unicorn' clients to me. Even sitting here reflecting and looking back at the list of clients I have sent care packages on behalf of, I can hardly believe it. I went from sending one per customer to 10, to 20 to 100 to 400 to 1,000.
I had absolutely no training, no previous experience and an out of date label procedure - things had to change, and change fast. The first thing that did change was me. I had to change my thinking, my perspective, even my job role. I became the ultimate problem solver. And gosh I worked. I worked so hard.
After the first lockdown, when it was announced Melbourne was going back in to lockdown, I came out in shingles. Luckily nothing else happened to me when stage 4 was announced. Which was lucky really because if I had thought I was busy during the March / April lockdown, that was nothing until July hit. That was almost a trial run. For which I am greatly thankful for.
My phone just rang and rang. AMP, Deloitte, Woolworths, GPT, Kimberly-Clark, Penatna, Sodexo, QIC, Seasol, Key Path, Coles, iMove, Momenton, Tradeware, Big W, BWS, McConnell Dowell, Rimini St and the list goes on.
I'm so humbled to have had this experience. It gave me the confidence I didn't have at the start of the year. The belief and trust that these small and giant companies put into me and my team fills my heart with pride.
Sure there were contracts that we didn't win. There were phone calls I answered where I should have been far more prepared. But I tell myself, just for companies like CBA to contact me and ask for a quote allows me to see that I am no longer a small teeny tiny business. I have the best team I could ever ask for and a business who can now handle sending 1,000's of care packages out a week.
As I look back at 2020 I am grateful. As I look forward to the future - I am still hopeful. Thank you to everyone who has put their trust in us, I hope it has been as rewarding for you as it has been for me.
Sarah x - Owner of the not so small Feel Better Box